Thursday, April 9, 2009

Culture Ministry: Program of Cultural Cooperation for 2009-2011 with Culture Ministry of Serbia signed

On April 7 of 2009 a protocol meeting of the Culture and Tourism Minister Vasyl Vovkun with Minister of Culture of Serbia Mr. Nebojša Bradić was held in the premises of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine. The meeting dealt with discussion of further steps taken to stir up cultural and art cooperation between Ukraine and Serbia.

On the outcomes of the event the Program of Cultural Cooperation between the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia for 2009-2011 has been signed.

The same day a festive ceremony of opening of Days of Culture of the Republic of Serbia in Ukraine took place in the National Philharmonics of Ukraine. Leading Serbian collectives Bilja Krstic and Bistrik Orchestra, as well as St. George string band Gudaci were participating in the concert. The events within the framework of the Days of Culture of the Republic of Serbia will also take place in Lviv.