Thursday, January 1, 2009

President's New Year greetings to the Ukrainian nation

Dear Ukrainian nation!

Dear fellow countrymen!

I warmly wish you happy New Year.

The year that goes off into history was impetuous and rich in events. This was a year of hard work of each of us, a year that united the nation in joyful celebration of the 1020th anniversary of the baptism of Kyivan Rus and in sorrow for victims of the Holodomor. It brought successes to Ukraine on international scene. New perspectives of European and Euro-Atlantic integration have opened before us; we became a full-fledged member of the World Trade organization. Our sportsmen augmented the glory of Ukraine during Olympic and Paralympic games in Beijing.

At the same time it was a year of complicated collisions in internal political life of the country and a year of beginning of world economic and financial crisis, negative impact of which most of Ukrainians felt.

I am sure that the challenges we all face will unite the society, make politicians understand their responsibility before the nation and join their efforts for the sake of common good and welfare of Ukraine.

I look into the future with optimism. I am sure that together we will overcome troubles and problems. Let us believe in our strength, let us show solidarity towards each other, let us unite – and next year will justify our hopes.

I wish you all sound health, happiness, family comfort, peace, harmony, success and achievements in your life and work.

Let the New Year eve bring joy to every Ukrainian home.

Victor Yushchenko.