Friday, May 18, 2007

Ukrainian Politicians to Put Off International Maneuvering

Ministry of Defense calls for delaying the date of international war games in Ukraine’s territory in connection with the political situation in Ukraine.

Ivan Androsenko, the head of the Defense Ministry International Cooperation Department, told this to journalists, Ukrayinsky Novyny (Ukrainian News) reports.

“The issue is being hampered by the present situation in Ukraine,” Mr. Androsenko said answering the question about the term of 2007 Ukraine international maneuvers.

He announced that the Ministry was addressing other countries with consultations and talks on the topic of the war games in Ukraine.

“We do not mean to cancel the maneuvering but we are negotiating to delay their terms or change their framework,” Mr. Androsenko announced.

He stressed that as an example international military maneuvers Sea Breeze might be designed for senior officers and their naval stage might be conducted outside Ukrainian territorial borders.

Mr. Androsenko emphasized that there was a constant dialogue with other countries to make a decision for all the participants’ advantage.

Moreover, the Defense Ministry stated the necessity to adjust the scheme of foreign serviceman access to the territory of Ukraine for military war games.

The Ministry is concerned that the law is to be amended in order that a resolution to permit foreign servicemen to access the territory should take less time to adopt it.

“The procedure is much slow,” Mr. Androsenko stated.

The matter as a point, the Defense Ministry in assistance with law experts and research institutes is considering possible improvement of the procedure regarding other countries’ experience.

April 6, the Verkhovna Rada is known to have authorized foreign military detachments’ access the territory of Ukraine for the purpose of taking part in the 2007 international military maneuvering.