Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Languages in Ukraine

State language of Ukraine is the Ukrainian language, however, according to one of numerous interrogations, supporters of the state status only for the Ukrainian language make minority among all citizens (31-35 % among interrogated).

The language situation in Ukraine, as a rule, is characterized by researchers as general two-language, that is general possession of a Ukranian language and Russian languages and primary use of these languages approximately equal quantity{amount} of citizens. Actually the Ukrainian society in the language attitude{relation} has more complex{difficult} structure and consists from mono-language among which are presented as russia and ukraine, two-language and carriers "surgeek". Two are allocated mainly ukrainian-language region: the West and the center of the country in which lives 24 million person, and mainly Russian-speaking two regions - the south and the east - 27,6 million person.

In some regions live also compact, but much smaller groups of carriers Hungarian, Moldavian, Romanian, Polish, крымско-Tatar and other languages. Besides in informal dialogue in west are used, basically local dialects (ruseen language).