Thursday, April 15, 2010

President meets heads of regional administrations

"The long interruption in the development of regions that has lasted a few years, is now over", he said opening the meeting.

President Yanukovych listed a number of important regional issues. The first of these was increasing agricultural production. Viktor Yanukovych assured that this year farmers could state support in purchasing fuel lubricants and fertilizers.

He also said it is necessary to establish municipal funds and provide municipal loans for regional development.

Moreover, Viktor Yanukovych gave instructions on preparation for Euro 2012. Particular attention he drew to problems in Kyiv and Lviv.

"We must already now start preparations for the new heating season”, said Viktor Yanukovych adding that strict coordination of authorities is very important to address the problem adequately. “Everything should be happening in strict accordance with the plan. We must show concrete results”, he added.

Among other issues brought up at the meeting were power supply, payments for gas consumption, introduction of new technologies in municipal sector, etc.. The discussion of problems requiring urgent attention was brief and specific, providing clear conclusions and concrete recommendations.